Written by Tech Notes
Category: Concrete5
Published: 09 May 2014
Concrete5   Cache   Reconnect   Community   Cannot Connect   Database   Project   System and Settings   C5.  

Reconnecting To Concrete5 Community A Moved Or URL/Domain Changed C5 Website


If you are trying to add an Add-on, a theme, or connect to the C5 Community using your C5 Dashboard, and you get this message, "You must login with a username that is an owner or editor of this project", then this will hopefully help you.  You will find out that no option is provided to add the C5 site back to the community via the C5 Dashboard or your profile's control panel or Projects section of C5 on your account at

Initial Notes/Points

  1. Your site is seen and called a Project at Concrete5.  A project page is created for your site once you connect your site to the Concrete5 community.

  2. Your site is connected with it's association to the Project under an account.

If You Lose Your Connection To The C5 Community, then do the following

  1. Backup your database (for example, with WHW1 hosting, you would go into Backup in your hosting control panel, and click on your C5 database link and it downloads a backup).
  2. Disable All C5 Caching
    Login to your Concrete5 back end >>> System & Settings >>> Cache & Speed Settings >>> Turn off all settings  >>> push Save button.

  3. Modify your C5 installation database. In this example, I will only explain how to do it using the phpMyAdmin tool provided inside the hosting control panel (cpanel).

    1. Open phpMyAdmin.

    2. Open the Config table by scrolling down on the left side, and clicking on Config.

    3. Scroll down and find MARKETPLACE_SITE_TOKEN and MARKETPLACE_SITE_URL_TOKEN and Edit those tables.

    4. When editing each table (you can copy it's content first to a text editor, like Notepad, in case you want to put it back), simply delete all contents within the table (not the name of the table, and only cfValue), and then click on Go to save (assuming the default Save selection is already showing).

    5. Close (exit) phpMyAdmin.

  4. Go into your C5 Dashboard and select something that causes the need for the community connection, like clicking on add-ons.

  5. You should now be displayed a page that indicates the site is not yet connected, and to click a button to connect, and then it will ask if you have a C5 account already. 

  6. Enter your existing login information, and it should get connected, and if you login in to, you should see your site listed as a project.

  7. Go back to the Cache and Speed Settings and set your cache to the way it was before or any setting preferred now.